... in the last 10 years, over 42% of our households are newly registered? That's 531 of our 1263 homes! Did you also know that our average age in the parish is 37 years old! We are abundantly blessed with new life in our parish family!
My parents forced me to eat three times a day growing up. No joke. Three times. Every. Single. Day. And it wasn’t always stuff I liked, either. Matter of fact, I complained a lot about what my mom made. “Ewww, gross! Sautéed zucchini? Seriously? Mom, you know we hate this stuff!” So as I approached adulthood I made an important decision. Since my parents forced me to eat while I was growing up, I decided I was done with meals. Oh, here and there I’ll eat out of obligation. I mean, family traditions like Thanksgiving and Christmas, yeah, I’m there. But daily eating? No way. I’m done.
SANFORD HOSPITAL PATIENTS If you are a patient, or going to be a patient, at Sanford Hospital and would like a visit from the church, we ask you to call (701) 223-5562 to let the office know that you are hospitalized. The Sanford Hospital system has changed and we no longer are able to receive patient information.